Saturday, May 2, 2009

This program has helped me realize what activities will work and how to better use those activities to grow business at my practice...

"The program has helped me realize what activities will work and how to better use those activities to grow business at my practice. For example, the use of surveys to help identify client buttons for use in clinic advertising. That advertising needs to not be educational, but get the client to call for an appointment to further address the needs triggered by the button. It has also helped me understand that advertising methods need to concentrate on what works and to keep doing what works.
Initially the quantity of the advertising will be most important with very little to no formal training in business management and promotion prior to this. I have a better understanding of some of the concepts I can take home and make use of. I also see there is a wealth of information on these topics that I need to learn and incorporate to make my business successful and thrive.
I really think the promotional ideas I am taking back to my practice will help me grow rapidly."
Dr. David Lindquist, Power Team Builder

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